Is your website is continuing to down, now the people are not curiosite about reading your article, people are not reading your content for a long time and quit to read your content in the middle. People are not relating to your blog or article, they are continuing to bore from your website, you are not getting the good comments, then this blog is very important for you, because today we will talk to you about its reasons, and solutions.
Hello friends, my name is Sudhir Sharma, and I work as a SEO in an IT company. We will talk today, how AI is badly affecting your website, and what its solution is.
Today we are seeing that the audience’s interest in continuing to reduce in content. In the world of Google such search engines, content is king, meaning content is all the things. The above line is fully fit for the value of understanding the content value.
Today one word is mostly hearing, and that is AI. Today when I see the eye everywhere on the internet, I see that It has made people’s daily tasks to a great extent.
Today developers, content writers, are highly using AI. But just think about it, can AI give you that content, which generates you after deep thinking, and it will be answered is no according to me. Because it is true right here that AI can not give you that content, which thinks your mind, which is your own unique thought. It is the one of the major disadvantages of AI content.
It will give you the content which is already available online. It means that nothing is unique, all the content is duplicate. AI platforms are presenting each other’s content, which is already available online. Before AI, when people wrote content, they did research, and after that they tried to write the content after their thinking. It means there was creativity and thinking in their content.
But now they have to write on any subject, then they directly write the content through chat GPT, or any other AI platform by giving them the instructions. They use that content for their website by clearing their plagiarism through tools. They write all types of content such as website content, blogs, and articles, but tell me, is it right, no according to me. Because in this there is nothing your creativity, though, or idea.
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When I check any query about anything on the internet, many times I see the same types of content are available in different-different websites, only the presenting way of those content is different. excluding the common truth, if the same content is on different-different websites, it is wrong, use your creativity in contents.
Audiences are bored by reading the same types of content on different-different websites, they want some new, and special. The copy content’s top disadvantage is that, it is finishing your uniqueness, and it is harmful for your search engine results.
It negatively affects your website. People think about your website, that your website has common content, which they have already read on other websites, and some new information is not in this.
They search for unique content, so they start to search for something new by quitting your website. Friends, search engines also give priority to uniqueness, trustworthy, and useful content, which the audience likes to read.
Share your personal views, and experience, write about any such subject, which you have good knowledge, write your views about those, and if you want to write any such subject, which you have no any knowledge, It advice you, don’t write on that, and after then also if you want to write on that, then research on that subject, take the information, after then share your personal views on that to your audiences, that what are your personal views about those subject, from this your audience will get some new, and most of chances, they will not disappoint to your content, and take interest in your blog, or article so friends, keep away the copy content. from this by reading your article, they will enjoy it. The result of this is that your users will increase in a good number.
When you write, that should be your own creativity, don’t take the help of the AI, people are continuing to be bored with AI generated content, and your goal should be to develop interest in your blogs, not bore them. When your audiences will increase then it indicates to the search engine, its website’s content is useful for audiences, definitely some good content is in this website, and your website ranking will continue to boost from this.
Don’t use any AI generated, or copy content, if you want to get a good success in the blogging industry, and take to using your own content. It will help you to give you proper stability, and good online results.
This content is our own creativity. We have written this article after our deep research, it is not any AI generated content. So enjoy this article.
About Author:
Author is a digital marketing professional, and works as SEO in an IT company. And have a good experience in content writing.